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Thank you for joining us this exceptional training opportunity!
Thank you for joining us this exceptional training opportunity!
Afraid to talk about sex? Not sure how to bring it up? Looking for some solid training to help you feel more confident? This is the training for you!
Sex often triggers what is best and worst in relationships. Swinging from the highs of passion to the lows of rejection, sex offers us all plenty to engage with and talk about in session. Yet, most therapists are not taught how to facilitate these intimate conversations and harness the power of sexual connection to help secure the couples’ attachment.
Research demonstrates that the strongest bond for a couple includes an alive, vibrant sexual connection and a warm, secure emotional connection. Yet, nearly 70% of all couples therapists across every model do not talk about sex. Without comfort and confidence, therapists avoid resolving this critical part of their couple’s lives, leaving the couple alone to struggle and perhaps derailing all the good work accomplished in resolving the emotional bond. Couples too, avoid talking about this critical area in their lives due to embarrassment, hopelessness, shame or even taking their cue from the silence of the therapist.
Let’s stop avoiding sexual conversations and instead develop the confidence to lean into them. George's goal is to help couple therapists understand how the emotional and sexual attachment cycles are integrated, help therapists become comfortable with talking about sex, learn a thorough sexual assessment, and work through blocks in the sexual cycle. Using roleplays and videos George will demonstrate effective sexual interventions and will design breakout sessions for you to practice talking comfortably about explicit details so the sexual cycle can be discussed in session. Come join us to harness the power of sexuality to help clients experience the power of great sex.
· What is Great Sex?
· Anatomy and Physiology
· Integrate the Sexual and Emotional Cycles in Practice
· Sexual Assessment
· When/How/Why to Bring Up Sex
· Stage 1 &2 Change Events
· Working with SAC (Sexual Attachment Cycle) Blocks
Dates: Monday and Tuesday, April 8-9, 2024
Times: 8:30am-4:00pm
Location: Il Monastero, 3050 Olive St, St Louis, MO 63103
Cost: $400
$300 for Students and those from historically marginalized populations.
Research demonstrates that the strongest bond for a couple includes an alive, vibrant sexual connection and a warm, secure emotional connection. Yet, nearly 70% of all couples therapists across every model do not talk about sex. Without comfort and confidence, therapists avoid resolving this critical part of their couple’s lives, leaving the couple alone to struggle and perhaps derailing all the good work accomplished in resolving the emotional bond. Couples too, avoid talking about this critical area in their lives due to embarrassment, hopelessness, shame or even taking their cue from the silence of the therapist.
Let’s stop avoiding sexual conversations and instead develop the confidence to lean into them. George's goal is to help couple therapists understand how the emotional and sexual attachment cycles are integrated, help therapists become comfortable with talking about sex, learn a thorough sexual assessment, and work through blocks in the sexual cycle. Using roleplays and videos George will demonstrate effective sexual interventions and will design breakout sessions for you to practice talking comfortably about explicit details so the sexual cycle can be discussed in session. Come join us to harness the power of sexuality to help clients experience the power of great sex.
· What is Great Sex?
· Anatomy and Physiology
· Integrate the Sexual and Emotional Cycles in Practice
· Sexual Assessment
· When/How/Why to Bring Up Sex
· Stage 1 &2 Change Events
· Working with SAC (Sexual Attachment Cycle) Blocks
Dates: Monday and Tuesday, April 8-9, 2024
Times: 8:30am-4:00pm
Location: Il Monastero, 3050 Olive St, St Louis, MO 63103
Cost: $400
$300 for Students and those from historically marginalized populations.
We welcome all couples therapists! Even if you aren't an EFT therapist, you will still come away with a lot of practical tools to use with your couples.
George Faller is an EFT Trainer, Supervisor and Therapist. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in New York and Connecticut and an Approved Supervisor for the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists as well.
George is the founder and President of the New York Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). As an EFT Trainer, George teaches several classes at the Ackerman Institute for the Family (the oldest family institute in the United States) in NYC, is a board member of the Porter Cason Institute for the Family at Tulane University in New Orleans and is the director of training at the Center for Hope and Renewal in Greenwich, Ct. Specializing in trauma, Family EFT, and self-of-the-therapist issues, George is committed to bringing EFT to underprivileged populations and pushing the leading edge of effective therapy. George is the co-author of three books: True Connection: Using the NAME IT Model to Heal Relationships (Living With Hope), Sacred Stress: A Radically Different Approach to Using Life’s Challenges for Positive Change and Emotionally Focused Family Therapy: Restoring Connection and Promoting Resilience.
He has an online training series called Success In Vulnerability. He cohosts the podcast Foreplay Radio--Couples and Sex Therapy with Laurie Watson, PhD, LMFT
George Faller is an EFT Trainer, Supervisor and Therapist. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in New York and Connecticut and an Approved Supervisor for the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists as well.
George is the founder and President of the New York Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). As an EFT Trainer, George teaches several classes at the Ackerman Institute for the Family (the oldest family institute in the United States) in NYC, is a board member of the Porter Cason Institute for the Family at Tulane University in New Orleans and is the director of training at the Center for Hope and Renewal in Greenwich, Ct. Specializing in trauma, Family EFT, and self-of-the-therapist issues, George is committed to bringing EFT to underprivileged populations and pushing the leading edge of effective therapy. George is the co-author of three books: True Connection: Using the NAME IT Model to Heal Relationships (Living With Hope), Sacred Stress: A Radically Different Approach to Using Life’s Challenges for Positive Change and Emotionally Focused Family Therapy: Restoring Connection and Promoting Resilience.
He has an online training series called Success In Vulnerability. He cohosts the podcast Foreplay Radio--Couples and Sex Therapy with Laurie Watson, PhD, LMFT